Anthony McPaul

Anthony McPaul

Non-Executive Director

Mr Anthony McPaul is a senior mining executive with over 40 years’ experience in mining operations and mineral processing. Mr McPaul has worked in and led both open cut and underground operations and was most recently the general manager for Newcrest’s Cadia Valley Operations, in Orange NSW.

Mr McPaul commenced his career as an automotive engineer and progressed to maintenance and then onto operations management at various companies, including CRA, Denehurst, MIM and more recently Newcrest. He has successfully managed a wide range of operating projects from base through to precious metals in both surface and underground mines and has been directly responsible for all aspects of production and scheduling.

Mr McPaul formally retired from Newcrest in July 2016 and has since devoted his time to non-executive and contract roles. Mr McPaul has represented Newcrest and the resources industry on many boards, such as NSW Minerals Council, NSW Minerals Council Executive Committee, and was the NSW Minerals Council representative on the Mine Safety Advisory Council. Mr McPaul has chaired many of these committees.

Mr McPaul is the current Chairman of the NSW Minerals Council Board and Executive Committee and a member of the recently formed Mineral Industry Advisory Council.

Mr McPaul has formal qualifications in automotive engineering from Goulburn TAFE.